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God Has a Purpose For You
God Has a Purpose For You

God Has a Purpose For You

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For children and adults.

The most important thing in life is the discovery of purpose.
Discovering your life’s purpose, finding out why you were born – I believe
everyone wants to know that. I discovered that God has a purpose for
every human being. Purpose is what gives existence meaning. And the
most important discovery in life is the discovery of purpose. When you
discover your purpose, you discover who God intended you to be and
what He gave you birth to do.
Purpose gives us answers to life.

Give this book to the children and young adults and inspire them to pursue
the reason why God created them. Help them explore questions like: Why
am I here? Why did God create me? Why was I born? What plans should I
be making in my life? What should I study in school? Who should I marry?
The answers to those questions can only be found in God’s purposes and

God Has a Purpose For You is the first book of a 3-book series about the
three most important principles of life:

1. Purpose
Finding out why you were born.
Release date: Nov. 2021, Spanish edition Dec. 2021

2. Destiny
Your destiny is behind you.
Release date: Later in 2022
3. Potential - Activating the hidden ability in you.
Release date: 2023

New Book Releases by Regent Kings
I pray you and your loved ones are blessed by the books I write. To find
out about new releases, go to and follow
See how this book was made.
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Continued Learning
I also want to invite you to join my Kingdom Life Class on YouTube., Professor Vanessa Treviso
and partner with me to bring the message of God’s purpose into the world.
Email me @

I welcome you to experience God’s best for your life! May you never give
up in your search for God’s purpose for you and when you find it may you
help your generation discover who they are and why they are here. May
your gifts be activated and may you serve them to the world and bring
glory to His name.